Contact Us! |
Clubhouse E-MAIL: email:
President - Anthony Santiso
Vice President - Jake Sprauge
Information on Competitions for Small Bore and High Power:
Ken Haupricht - kghaupricht@yahoo.com
Information on VBR Matches:
Jeff Schatz - campers176@yahoo.com - 814-594-4296
Harold Frey - harjf75@gmail.com
Information on Black Powder events:
Kevin Burge - kburge95@yahoo.com
Military Rifle:
Brian Wakefield phone: (814) 778-5918 email bdwakefield@earthlink.net
Cast Bullet Silhouette:
Brian Wakefield phone: (814) 778-5918 email bdwakefield@earthlink.net
Lever Action Silhouette
Mark Holsopple - phone - 814-929-5826 email - mmholsopple@yahoo.com
I D P A:
Ken Mandat - phone - 814-335-7979 email: kwmandat@windstream.net
Information for Club Membership:
Bob Bilick - phone - 814-772-2674 - email - bobridgwayrifleclub@outlook.com
Send Your Dues To Ridgway Rifle Club c/o Bob Billick - 16118 Boot Jack Rd. Ridgway, Pa. 15853
Website Information
Harold Frey email: harjf75@gmail.com